Bianca’s Book Review: “Someone To Watch Over Me” by Lisa Kleypas

Bow Street Book 1

It took me ages to read this book. Every page felt like a slog, but I forced myself to read it, well… most of it. I skimmed a lot at the end.

When I first started reading historical romance, I would have listed Kleypas as one of my favourite authors, but my tastes have clearly changed.

Vivien Duvall is found barely alive on the side of the River Thames after an attempt on her life. She has amnesia and recalls nothing of her life as the most sought-after courtesan in London.

Grant Morgan is a Bow Street Runner and determined to discover who wants Vivien dead, but he also wouldn’t mind a bit of revenge after she spurned and humiliated him in public.

I have to be honest and admit I found this book boring. To see if I had guessed the plot twist correctly, I skipped ahead. It’s something I never usually do and it was a big mistake. I should have resisted, then I may have enjoyed the book more.

Anyway, I do not doubt that lovers of slow-burn romances, and Kleypas, will adore this story, but I just did not connect with it. Nothing stood out for me. The characters were average and the plot was slow and predictable.

The writing also aggravated me because there were lots of little things that pulled me out of the POV. For example, when characters explained stuff in their heads real people just don’t think about it, but it’s clear the author put those bits in as an excuse to show they’d done some research.

Plot: ⭐️⭐️

Feels: ⭐️

Heat: ⭐️⭐️

Overall: ⭐️⭐️

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