Bianca’s Book Review: “The Love Trap” by Nicole French

The Quicksilver Series Book 3


  • Sexual assault
  • Forced abortion 

The opening chapters are filled with more flashbacks mixed with real-time. The author loves this device to tell the story of Eric and Jane’s first meetings and early relationship, where Jane is running scared and continually trying to push Eric away.

I moaned about the flashbacks in previous reviews, they do make the plot and momentum jumpy, but here I didn’t mind them. It was nice to see how Jane and Eric connected from the start. We learn that Eric was the one who freaked and pulled away, breaking Jane’s heart as soon as she allowed herself to open up.

As usual, she lashed out in her pain, saying cruel and hurtful things which snowballed out of proportion. She even threw a snowball at him in anger while they argued! Just another nice touch of humour amongst the anger and tension makes it feel relatable. 

This story is so full of the feels: the angst, the tension, the humour, and the love between them lures the reader in at every stage. 

The bad guys in this were soulless and immoral, so even though I suspected it would happen, it was heartbreaking and gut-wrenching when they killed the baby. I did not know how Jane and Eric were going to get through it.

This book was a very satisfying end to the trilogy. Jane and Eric proved to be the ultimate power couple. They fight those who thwart them, and they support each other in all the ways that matter. I was left with a serious book hangover by the end of this and that hasn’t happened for a long time. 

Plot: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Feels: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Heat: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Overall: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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