Critters on Tour: “A Fortune To Die For” by Liza O’Connor

Liza’s encounter with the MAFIA

Many years ago, a young hotheaded Mafia thug threatened to whack me in the middle of a traffic jam. It began with him blaring his horn so I would get out of his way (did I mention we were in a TRAFFIC JAM???) so I flew him the bird. I didn’t know he was mafia at that time. I just thought him a jerk. Seconds later, he’s left his car and is pounding my car demanding “Do you know who I am?”

Sadly, I hadn’t studied the mafia lingo back then. “Babbo” would have worked nicely. (Mafia lingo for IDIOT). Instead I replied, “An asshole?”

That truly pissed him off: “I could blow your head off, right here, right now!”

He continued to slam his palms on my little car causing it to shudder as he yelled the same threat over and over. Finally, I lost my temper.

“Then do it!” I yelled at him. “Just do it!” At least there would be a hundred witnesses and video of my death.

He stopped pounding and stared at me in shock. Then he headed to his car but stopped halfway. He turned back to face me, rage about to cause his head to explode. He reached into his pocket and…

This is where I questioned the wisdom of my words…

Then he pulled a handful of coins and threw them at my car.

Not making that up… (Talk about anti-climactic).

Just at that moment the traffic opens up. So I threw him a goodbye bird and drove off.

(Clearly, I don’t learn!)

When I got home and told my Italian boyfriend the story, I got severely scolded.

“The Mafia does not have a since of humor, Liza!”


Megan Clarke had a good life until she wins the Mega Times Lottery and discovers the prize comes with a curse. Worse than the many money-hungry suitors, a serial killer has her in his sight. She changes her name and moves to Iowa with plans to buy their last major forest of white oaks and turn it into a State Park. Unfortunately, the Lottery Curse doesn’t stop at state lines and someone there wants her dead, as well. Good thing a disturbingly handsome law officer is just as determined to keep her alive.


“This is serious, Meg. The mafia doesn’t normally act so boldly against the FBI. While you are still important, this case just got a lot bigger than you.” He gripped her arms and pulled her against him. “I need you a hundred percent trouble free. Otherwise, I’m afraid my boss will cut you loose as we go after bigger fish. Can you do this for me?”

For the first time since her life of hell had begun, she was truly terrified. And of what, she had no clue. However, the worry in Steve’s eyes struck her hard.

The only way she could prevent herself from breaking down into a sobbing ball of Jell-O was to think professionally. “May I call and invite Mr. Barkman to visit my land with Tess as his guide?”

“You can’t go with them.”

“I understand.”

“Then you may call and arrange his tour.”

“And may I google various people on my computer?”

“Just don’t call anyone without clearing it with me. And if I say no, just accept it. This day is going to be a nightmare.”

She nodded.

“Then I’ll get my computer and stay in here…until I need the bathroom.”

His hard eyes studied her face as if trying to find deception. Finally, they softened and he caressed her cheek. “Thank you for trusting me. I know it’s not easy.”

Oddly, it had been. The moment all hell broke loose, he was her rock.

Buy “A Fortune to Die For” Now

About Liza O’Connor:

Liza O’Connor was raised badly by feral cats, left the South/Midwest and wandered off to find nicer people on the east coast. There she worked for the meanest man on Wall Street, while her psychotic husband tried to kill her three times. (So much for finding nicer people.) Then one day she declared enough, got a better job, divorced her husband, and fell in love with her new life where people behaved nicely. But all those bad behaviors has given her lots of fodder for her humorous books. Please buy these books, because otherwise, she’ll become grumpy and write troubled novels instead. They will likely traumatize you.

You have been warned.



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