Eggs, Pride, Re-writes and Bath

Eggs, Pride, re-writes and Bath – what on earth am I writing about this week? Itā€™s June already and I donā€™t seem to have something to babble about today. Oh, I may swoon with the shock!


Actually, itā€™s National Egg Day in the US, but what can I say about eggs? Eggs of many species have been around long before human existence and Iā€™m not getting involved in the egg and chicken debate. I donā€™t have a favourite way to eat my eggs. Give them to me scrambled, fried, poached or boiled; Iā€™ll eat them all.

eggs pride re-writes bath
Image by WOKANDAPIX from Pixabay


June is Pride month and Iā€™ll be dipping into some LGBTQ+ romance fiction. I need to finish reading Bride by Ali Hazelwood (Iā€™ll be honest itā€™s not got me hooked despite being a TikTok sensation), then Iā€™m moving on to Red, White, and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston.

After that, Iā€™m looking forward to reading the third short story in a trilogy by Will Forest, 3 Dukes and the Tower of Time. I enjoyed the first two stories and think this one will take a darker turn. If lucky, I may have time to read another historical romance by Alexis Hall.

Donā€™t forget that Iā€™ve written a few posts about LGBTQ+ history. Click on the links below for some fascinating facts about LGBTQ individuals and more:

Gay Life in Georgian Britain

LGBTQ Georgians

Gay Cruising Along Sodomiteā€™s Walk

Anne Lister

Lord Byron

The Duchess of Devonshire

Dr James Barry


This month, I must finish re-writing the fourth and final story in my Men of Trade series. Since starting The Radical Heiress in November 2022, Iā€™ve re-written several sections because it wasnā€™t working. Then I decided to rewrite at least 75% of the manuscript completely because the connection I wanted to create between the MCs was non-existent. The new ending needs to be written and then Iā€™ll be steaming through self-edits. My publisher wants all four books in a readable state before the serious editing begins.  

eggs pride re-writes bath
The Roman baths in Bath, England
Image by loseitlady from Pixabay


What Iā€™m most looking forward to this month is a trip to Bath! (Squeal!) Yes, I will walk in the footsteps of Miss Austen next weekend, so youā€™ll have a break from my babbling next Monday.

I am, however, devastated (yes, itā€™s a strong word, but it truly encapsulates my feelings) that the Fashion Museum in Bath will be closed while Iā€™m there. Iā€™m sure that brunch at the Pump Room, a tour of the Roman baths, a visit to the Jane Austen Museum, and wandering along the Royal Crescent will be more than enough to fill my time.

Have a fabulous June, and Iā€™ll be back with wonderful pictures and babbles about Bath on the 17th.

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