How I handled my first feedback

Earlier this week I received my first critique feedback. It had been sat in my folder for a couple of days while it waited for me to pluck up the courage to read it. 

I finally decided to brace myself and find out my critique partner’s thoughts. Why was I so nervous? I’ve done a few critiques and beta reads. I knew what to expect. Why did it feel so different to be on the other end of the feedback?

My toes were tapping as I waited for the page to load up. I paused the cursor over the tile for my folder and when I opened it there were actually four pieces of feedback. Urgh, this writing thing was starting to feel very real.

I paused the cursor over the first file before opening it. This was it. I cautiously read through the document and…well, it wasn’t that bad.

Now, I should tell you, I’m not someone who likes being told I’ve done something wrong. I’m not perfect, particularly at writing, but I don’t like other people pointing out my mistakes. Hmm…not the best attitude for a writer to have, I know. As you can imagine, as soon as the suggestions popped up, my hackles rose. I could feel it building within me; the pressure in my chest, the tingle along my spine that signalled I was about to blurt out some retort. 

Then something happened. I remembered that I can’t expect to get everything right first time. This is my first work of fiction. I’ve been writing and revising it for the last five months. Certain things were invisible to me now and I needed others to point them out to me.

With that reasoning in my head I read all four files and I can honestly say I am very happy with the feedback. If I’m really honest, I’m just relieved that my work wasn’t written off as garbage. There is hope! I have things to work on and apply to the rest of my manuscript but I’m feeling good. However, I’m still nervous about receiving further feedback.

I have no doubt that other writers out there feel the same way. We get so attached to our work it is difficult to let it out into the world to become subject to the opinions of others. If we want to be better writers we’ve just got to accept we are not perfect, we will make mistakes.

My writing space; basic, but it gets the job done.

One thing I will say is that my critique group is fabulous. They are a mix of published and unpublished authors; some with years of writing experience and others who are newbies like me.  I know I will get honest feedback from them.  They are a massive well of knowledge and so supportive.

So, I want to say thanks for my feedback. Let’s get back to editing.

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