It’s National Sickie Day!

In the UK, the first Monday in February is termed National Sickie Day. Following research by a British law firm in 2011, it is supposedly the most likely day of the year when employees call in sick and take the day off.

I don’t doubt that many of those who take a sick day today will be genuinely unwell, but how many will call in just because they hate their job and can’t summon up the will to go in? Haven’t we all called into work and given an excuse so we can take the day off? If you never have, then I commend your dedication.

Pulling a Sickie

I can’t say I haven’t “pulled a sickie” over the years. I had some terrible jobs when I first started my illustrious career; the call centre stands out as one of the most soul-destroying, and just thinking about going to work was enough to send me into the doldrums. (However, I met my husband while working there, so it wasn’t all bad.)

Then there have been days when I’ve dragged myself into work with a stinking hangover, or when I’ve been unwell, simply because I didn’t want to let my colleagues down and knew my absence would create extra work for them. I think it’s safe to say that these things balance themselves out.

National Sickie Day
Image by Myriams-Fotos from Pixabay

Worst Sick Day Excuses

While I did a little research for this post, I came across some of the worst excuses people have used to take a sick day. Let’s be clear, I’m not talking about valid reasons for taking a day off work like a family emergency, an accident or a genuine illness.

According to Business Advice UK, some of the worst excuses people have used include:

  • “I have blisters from wearing new shoes on Saturday night.”
  • “I left my work uniform on the bus.”
  • “I lost a darts tournament last night and I am too traumatised to come in.”
  • “My boyfriend changed his relationship status on Facebook to single.”
  • “There are cows in my garden, so I can’t get to work.”
  • “I didn’t get to bed until late, so I’m too tired to come in.”
  • “I’m having a BBQ at the weekend and need time to prepare.”

Now, some of these crack me up, and others are stupefying. Blisters from new shoes – did they really try that? 😂 I’d also like to know what their manager said in response. I live in a rural area, so I’ll concede the cows may have been genuine, but still … 🐄🐄🐄🐄🐄

I don’t think I’ve ever tried to get the day off work using a pathetic excuse like the ones above. I have, I’ll admit, feigned or exaggerated illness to avoid going to a job I hated. 😳

Have you ever pulled a sickie? What’s the funniest excuse you’ve heard for not going to work? Are you another Ferris Bueller who’s made calling in sick an art form? Let me know in the comments.

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