I haven’t dated a lot, so I don’t have a deep pool of experience regarding the topic for this week’s question on the books and more blog hop: silliest excuse to get out of a date.
Unfortunately, this will be the last post for the blog hop. Our host cannot continue, and I would like to thank MacKade for having me.
I’m sad the hop has ended. I’ve quite enjoyed doing it, (and I hope you’ve enjoyed learning a little more about me) so I may see if I can join another blog hop and continue to provide you with my insights and experiences.
Anyway, back to my silliest excuse to get out of a date.
I think I’ve turned down only two or three dates in my life. As I’ve mentioned before, I’m a little blunt, and when I turned those dates down I just said no. Keep it simple and all that.
There was only one time when I fibbed a little to get out of a date and it was simply because I didn’t have the heart to say no outright. After all, he was a nice guy.

I’d known the guy through a mutual friend during my final year at university. We got to the very end of the year when he asked me on a date. We were in a nightclub on a last night out with our friends, so I’m talking a couple of days before our university days were over.
We were about to go our separate ways across the country and start our lives. It would never have worked; how would we even have met up to go on a date or get to know each other properly? And there was no Zoom back then. I didn’t see the point in even trying, so I gave him a fake phone number. Well, it kind of was my number, but one or two digits were incorrect.
You know, it was dark, and the club was loud. It was the time before mobile phones and he wrote my number down on a scrap of paper, so it was possible he just misheard a number or something.
Obviously, I didn’t hear from him again.
Did I feel guilty? A little. It was a wimpy thing to do when I should have just been honest, but I think I saved us both a lot of time and effort on something that would not have worked out due to distance and the different directions our lives were about to take.
So, it’s not a silly excuse, it’s rather feeble, but my cowardly actions led to a HEA.
Within a few months, I started working with a guy who took me on a date to a Star Wars exhibition (you know what I mean, costumes and set designs from the films etc.) and we’re still together.
What’s the silliest excuse you’ve used to get out of a date? Let me know in the comments and hop over to the other blog pages and see if they’ve got more interesting stories to tell.
Glad there was a HEA. Totally realistic – loud club – get a phone number wrong. 😉