The Countdown Begins for Tea with Austen

There’s only a month to go until the release of Tea with Austen. I’m so pleased to be part of another short story anthology from Romance Café Publishing.

I wrote my first short story for last year’s Austen anthology, Austen Tea Party (no longer available). The process was so enjoyable, and I learned so much, it was an easy decision to sign up again.

This time, I’m joined by 16 writers who have crafted short stories featuring some of Jane Austen’s beloved characters. Don’t forget, part of the proceeds will go to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

I’m delighted to welcome a few of those authors today to share a sneek peak at their stories as the countdown begins for the Tea with Austen release day on 28th August.

Tea with Austen Teasers

A Wife for Mr. Weston by Olivia Huxley

Everyone in Highbury believed that the always cheerful widower Thomas Weston would never marry again.

Mr. Weston himself had believed that as well, having considered and discarded the idea several times in the past. Until one rainy day, when Miss Anne Taylor, the lovely, quiet governess for the Woodhouse family, catches his eye while sharing his umbrella.

Now he must attain his goal of purchasing a small estate outside of Highbury while determining how to woo, and win, a wife for Mr. Weston.


They entered the conservatory, finding it empty but in impeccable condition. Anne would grow lemons there. She could almost smell their bright citrus freshness. She would make lemonade, and lemon cream, and glazed lemon cake, and lemon pies…

She blushed as she realized Mr. Weston observed her closely.

“What do you think of Randalls, Miss Taylor?”

Anne smiled at him. “The home is beautiful, and the grounds are already so picturesque and rich with potential. It’s easy to understand why you’re so fond of it.

“And standing in this conservatory, I can’t help but imagine lemon trees and think of all the wonderful things to be made with their bounty!”

Mr. Weston chuckled. The attractive creases at the corners of his eyes appeared, and Anne found herself unable to look away from him. “I’m so glad that you like it, Miss Taylor. Your opinion is important to me.”

Her pulse skipped like a rock skimmed over the surface of Hartfield’s lake. “Is it, Mr. Weston?” She held her breath as he stepped closer, studying her face.

A gentle tap at the doorway made both of them jump as they turned to find Mrs. Brown. “Shall I have a tea tray set out in the parlor, sir?” she asked Mr. Weston.

Find Olivia Huxley on:






countdown begins for tea with austen

Medway Meeting by Sharon Michalove

Juliana, Dowager Countess of Courtney, has returned to her father’s home in Rochester now that the heir has reclaimed the London residence. Her protégé, Margaret Dashwood, has accompanied her. Two suitors soon appear on the scene and Juliana will have to decide whether Jacob Townsend, who has pined for her over the years should have a second chance or whether Viscount Kintleford, recently arrived in Rochester, will win her heart.


I had been looking skyward, but he had been observing me. 

“Your eyes flash with colors like the meteorites,” he said. 

And then, as if the action were natural and not against all rules of etiquette and courtesy, he leaned forward and kissed me. 

Stunned, I did not know what to do or how to react. Words of reproach rose to my lips, but I did not want to reprimand him. I wanted to kiss him. Confused, I backed away.

The look on his face was a mixture of contrition and desire. “I know I should apologize, my lady, for my boorish behavior.” 

His hands twisted but he did not look away. Then he removed his hat and ran long fingers, bluish with cold, through his hair. “Shall we return to the others?” 

Still unable to speak, I nodded.

He took my arm and led me back to the house. We had just settled with cups of hot chocolate when Margaret and Mr. Hodgson returned, chattering merrily, with Mr. Alexias just behind. 

Soon after, Lord Kintleford and his cousin took their leave. “We will call on Thursday, if that is convenient,” Mr. Hodgson said. “

Yes, that is one of our days at home,” Margaret answered. 

Kintleford and I exchanged uneasy glances, then they bowed themselves out.

Find Sharon Michalove on:






A Mistaken Impression by Riana Everly

Fitzwilliam Darcy had the day, and his life, all planned out. He was going to ask Elizabeth to marry him, and of course, she would accept him. What sensible young woman would not? But the fates had something else in mind, and Darcy’s day was about to take a turn he could never imagine.


At last, at long last, he was at the parsonage. Elizabeth, her friend had said, was there alone, and he had rushed thither at once. He had not had time to think, to plan his proposal. He had not expected the opportunity to present itself so quickly and unexpectedly. A maid had let him in and shown him to the small room where Elizabeth was reading quietly on the sofa, some needlework on the small table at her side. She sat up at once at the sound of the maid’s voice, announcing him. Her eyes were wide, her shoulders stiff.

She opened her mouth, ready to speak, but Darcy could not allow that. If he did not confess his feelings now and make his offer, he would lose the nerve to do so, and would slink away, as he had done only a few days before. He was not a man given to whims of the heart, to unstudied exclamations. Impulsivity was foreign to him. Furthermore, he had no prepared speech, no gift of a silver tongue. But his heart would not allow him to remain silent, and he knew he must get the words out before his stupid brain caused him even greater pain. No, he must have his say right away, with no danger of interruption.

“You must allow me,” he began, “to tell you how much—”

Something very loud crashed immediately outside the door.

He stopped at once, the next word he had thought to utter dying a rather sudden death.

Elizabeth startled and leapt to her feet.

“Forgive me. I must see…”

There came some rather alarming noises, then, the noise of shattering porcelain and a stifled oath followed by absolute silence.

Elizabeth opened the door and stood quite still for a moment. “Oh…” she breathed at last.

Find Riana Everly on:





So, the countdown begins for Tea with Austen, and there are more sneak peeks on the way!

countdown begins for tea with austen

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