Writer’s Burnout

I apologise that I haven’t done a personal post for quite a while. Things haven’t been going badly for me, but they haven’t been tip top lately either.

I think I’m suffering from what I will label at writer’s burnout. I’m not even sure if that is a thing, but that’s what I’m calling it. Basically, I’m struggling to get everything done and I’m exhausted by it all.

Now, this is not writer’s block. When I do muster up the energy to sit and write, the words are flowing as normal. My problem is I’ve been working a lot more and I’m struggling to fit my writing, and everything that goes with it, around my day job. I’m only working 32 hours a week (I know some writers still manage to work 40 hours and keep up with their writing), but I’m exhausted.

I’ve had to drop out of 5 am Writer’s Club a few times over the last few weeks due to illness and exhaustion, so I still haven’t finished the first draft of my second novel. It’s been a real slog to get to the end this time, but I’m nearly there. I have to get it done this week so I can have a break before NaNoWriMo.

What else have I been up to? Well, other than not prepping for NaNoWriMo, I’ve participated in PitMad and I got four likes from agents. I still haven’t had chance to research them properly before I send my query.

I scrabbled together a package to submit to Pitch Wars and, unsurprisingly, I wasn’t selected. I’m not complaining, it gave me some experience for querying when the time comes.

What’s next? I need to get this draft finished, then I can have a week off from writing before NaNoWriMo starts on 1st November. I’ve done no prep at all, so I’m going to have to drag out a project that I hadn’t planned to start yet, but outlined about six months ago. It’s something that has been a major feature of my daydreams for quite a few years now, and I hope I can do it justice when I set down the words.

In the meantime, sleep would be good.

If you’ve had a similar experience let me know.

I’ll keep you posted with my progress for NaNoWriMo. Good luck to everyone who is participating this year. You can do it!

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