Discussion about mentruation and period products has always carried stigma. But fear not! Click here for the history of period products.
Category: Research
The History of Napkins
Did they use napkins during the Regency? Click here to answer this question and learn more about the history of napkins. 🤔
Scandalous 18th Century Masquerades
What was an 18th century masquerade and why were they scandalous? Click here to learn more about the social event that took London by storm.
The History of Christmas Carols
Why didn't we sing carols in church until the 19th century? Click here to learn more about the history of Christmas carols. 🎄🎼🎵🎶🎄
Disability in 18th Century Britain
What was life like if you had a disability in 18th century Britain? Click here to find out how disabled people lived at that time. ♿👩🏻🦯
Mahogany and Slavery
Mahogany furniture may be beautiful, but the story behind its creation is far from it. Click here to learn about the history of mahogany.🪑
The Nasty History of Syphilis
You may think you don't need to know about syphilis, but it has an interesting history. I don't want you to miss out so read more here. 🦠🧫
The Sweet and Sour History of Sugar
The history of sugar is far from sweet. Click here to learn more about our turbluent relationship with the sweet treat. 🎂🍫🍬
Dean Mahomed: Regency Entrepreneur
Meet the man who introduced British society to shampoo and takeaways. Click here to learn more about Regency entrepreneur, Dean Mahomed. 🧴🧴
A Regency Lady’s Underwear
What did a Regency lady wear under her dress? It's time to mention the unmentionables and uncover a Regency lady's underwear. 🤭😳