The Biscuit Debate

Today is National Biscuit Day in the UK. Not to fall into stereotypes, but we Brits love a good brew (sorry, that’s slang for a cup of tea, AKA a cuppa) and a biscuit. Another point to note, when I say biscuit, I don’t mean those hard, savoury biscuits some like to eat with gravy. I mean a sweet biscuit and, no, not a cookie.

Now, I could delve into the history of the biscuit, but I haven’t had time to do any research. Here’s a link if you want to learn more. Instead, I’m going to talk about my favourite biscuit, and I’ll probably meander off on a tangent about lots of different biscuits, so bear with me.

The Big Biscuit Debate

Brits take their biscuits seriously. Ahead of National Biscuit Day, one of the oldest companies that make biscuits in the UK, McVities, commissioned some research into Brits and their biscuit-eating habits. Apparently, there is much debate about this sweet snack.

In a poll of 2,000, 69% have argued about biscuits at least once a month. Some moaned about those who eat all the posh biscuits from both layers in the tin, rather than finishing the first layer (disgraceful). Others complained about who left a loose Ginger Nut in the biscuit tin that made the other biscuits “too gingery” (shameful behaviour).

Biscuit Debate

About Ginger Nuts, let me be clear; a ginger biscuit is my most hated biscuit. There, I said it. My son will not be pleased, actually… the opposite for that means he gets to eat more because I don’t touch them. Then again, he is the reason I hate them.

I suffered from hyperemesis gravidarum (severe and all-day nausea and sickness) during both my pregnancies. Everyone recommended eating ginger biscuits before getting out of bed. Let me tell you, there is nothing worse than bringing back a ginger biscuit. Now I can’t eat them without feeling sick.

Back to the Biscuit Debate

23% of those polled said they spend more time thinking about their favourite snack than they do about their love life. 13% said they would end a relationship (in the early days) if they discovered their love interest had “odd” biscuit habits.

My biggest peeve is when someone doesn’t re-seal the packet properly and the biscuits go soft and stale. I will eviscerate those who do such a thing in my house.

My Favourite Biscuit

Anyway, I said I would talk about my favourite biscuit, but I’m not sure I can single one out. There are so many delicious choices. Do I go for the Hob Nob, a sturdy oat biscuit that’s good for dunking in a brew? (By the way, I’m not a biscuit dunker. I don’t like soggy crumbs in the bottom of my mug.) I will usually pick a chocolate Hob Nob over a plain one, too.

Biscuit Debate

I’m a lover of coconut, so a Nice biscuit is a high-ranker for me. These are named after the French city of Nice, but I’m uncertain if that’s where they originated from. I will always select a Nice biscuit over a Bourbon or custard cream.

But the biscuit I will always choose, if available because few people like them, are almond biscuits. As usual, it all comes down to almonds for me. I love them, and anything made from them. Yummy.

Biscuit Debate

So, which is your favourite biscuit? Do you have any biscuit peeves? Let me know in the comments.

One thought on “The Biscuit Debate

  1. I certainly don’t like ginger biscuits and if I did I would definitely dunk them in my tea, my favourite biscuit is shortbread, certainly not dunked in tea that would be sacrilege. Oh so yummy.

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