Critters on Tour: “Naktmerié’s Monster” By CeeRee Fields


Sometimes the future is a path set in the hardest of stone and can only be altered by love.

Oneyroi D’Naktmerie is a product of the Northern Installation, designed to be the stuff of nightmares. At fourteen his abilities proved deadly, and he shuts them away terrified of how uncontrollable his power is. He refuses to bond as that could unleash the dangerous abilities constantly roiling inside of him. Taking refuge in the village of Ketewah, Naktmerie’s only pleasure now is spending the night with whatever willing woman catches his eye. Never spending more than one night with each.

Until he meets Shae, the Speyressa of Uanty.

Shae sees the future. All the paths in a person’s life. But there is one vision that has haunted her since she was a child. One that she’s done everything in her power to prevent. Choices make up the paths, and she’s forced to choose between allowing Naktmerie to be kidnapped or the destruction and enslavement of the human race. She chooses to protect the human race and seals her fate as well as his.

Betrayed by the first woman he’s ever opened up to, Naktmerie returns to Ketewah after freeing himself from the Flesh Traders. Months later he discovers the path Shae began all those years ago didn’t end with his kidnapping; instead, it ends with her death and Naktmerie is the only one who can save her. Can he trust her enough to form the mental bond that will save her? Or will a forced bond drive her to madness?

Book Trailer


He rolled from her to his side, both panting as they tried to catch their breath. Sweat soaking the bedding under them as she waited for him to gather her in his arms. And waited. It never happened. The tender lover was gone, replaced by the abrasive man. Shea could feel the heat from before slowly dissipate as his cold persona came back to the forefront.

Nakt broke through her post-orgasmic glow. “Have you called for Kam yet?”

She tried, but Kam had fallen asleep.

“You need to leave. I told you I don’t sleep with anyone.”

Still muddled from the best sex she’d ever had, she huffed. “I know, but Kam fell asleep, and Shalon is too far out.” Feeling around for her nightgown, she gathered her shattered composure. “I’ll get one of my recruits-“

“No.” He dragged her nightgown over her. “They don’t need to see you like this. Just… go to sleep.”

“I swear to leave before the camp stirs.”

“From now on I’ll come to your tent so I can leave.”

She did her best not to flinch, not to show any emotion. She wasn’t sure she succeeded, but she must have at least convinced him as he settled on his back next to her, and Shae curled up doing her best to keep space between them. “This isn’t us getting closer. You need to understand that I will never bond with you.”

Shae’s heart dropped. “I know.”

What else was she supposed to say? If we don’t, I’ll die? If you don’t, you’ll not be warned and will be taken by Norwyna’s men? He wouldn’t believe her, she saw it. And if she tried to coerce the bond – well in that instance he left her, and she still died. The difference being, she experienced every instance he was with another woman through the bond. He made sure of it. Instead of a swift death, she died in slow, torturous degrees.

Her potential bonded was not a kind man, he held a lot of rage and destruction within him. Why? She didn’t know. Nor did she have the time to puzzle it out.

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About The Author

I’m a geek, a gamer, a music lover, and a voracious reader. I love Star Trek and B-grade movies like Attack of the Killer Tomatoes and Sharknado. I enjoy figuring out software and learning new things and applying them to whatever book I’m currently working on.

I write romantic adventures. Mostly, I live vicariously through my characters. I can be a knife-wielding forager who saves her family from deadly kidnappers or a slinky thief who must outmaneuver her sadistic cousin. My male characters aren’t cookie cutter either. There’s so much diversity in the world that one size does not fit all. It’s the same for love. My male characters are diverse. I have several he-men, alpha types, but I also have nerds in glasses who can kickass when needed, whether in a board room or in a parking garage. I have characters who are blind and some who have lost a limb putting their lives on the line to save others.

The one thing they all have in common is they are people who learn to move past their hurdles and find love.

I can be found at:




Want to hear more from CeeRee Fields? She will be back on my blog on Friday with more details on her approach to plotting, characters and world building.

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