Timeless Honor
Publisher: Books to Go Now
Release Date: August 24, 2015
ISBN: 1517037964
Audio ASIN: B019S1ST6S
Genre: Historical/Time Travel Romance
Word Count: 30k
Heat Level: 3 Flames/Sensual
Jaye Ramsey decided to prove to her eccentric grandmother that time travel only existed in movies by vacationing in Bolivia with her friends. When she woke up in Hawksatter, England, 1735-the same town her grandmother supposedly vanished from as a young woman-Jaye found refuge at a hunting lodge but the strapping, reclusive baron who took her in reminded her all too well she was a lone woman at his mercy.
Accused of murdering his newly wedded wife a decade earlier, Lord Lucas Kenway closed the family farm and shut out the world. He never expected the little spitfire he claimed responsibility for would turn his quiet life upside down. Pushed together by fate and his meddling servants, Lucas wanted Jaye on his own terms and refused to surrender his hardened heart.
Then a mysterious wise man offered Jaye a way home.
Should she return to the future and the only life she’d ever known, or stay in an uncertain past as a stranger in a new world?

His mouth descended on hers, his arms encircled her waist, and the anger in her veins heated to desire. Her heart pounded in her throat and she wanted to rip off Lucas’s clothes and kiss every inch of the arrogant baron.
Jaye jerked out of his embrace before she lost all control. “I can’t. I’m sorry.”
“I swear you’re a siren. You invade my every thought and I’m at my wits’ end on how to deal with you.” His dark gaze bore into hers. “I wish to court you.”
“How can you court me if I return home? You can’t have it both ways.”
“I’ll be blunt.” Lucas straightened his frock over his chest and towered over her. “You’re a respectable lady and I hold you in high esteem, but I do not believe you’re pure, contrary to my earlier assumption. Correct me if I’m wrong.”
“Virginal?” She clenched her fists as he nodded. “You’re not wrong. Is that a problem?”
“No. In fact, I’m relieved.” Lucas grasped her hand, sucked her index finger into his mouth and swirled his tongue over the digit. Her heart stuttered in her chest. Then he popped her finger back out with a smacking sound. “I will never utter a word of our affair to anyone. I will never slander your name, speak ill of you or hurt you. I just want to lose time in your body.”
His touch burned through her. “What you want is a mistress, not a proper courtship.”
“You’re right. I will find a way to return you to your family as promised but I need to lie beside you until then.” He clasped her narrow waist with his palms, nuzzled her hairline with his nose and then pressed small kisses along the curve of her neck. Goosebumps followed the trail of his lips. “I know you desire me, jaybird.”
Goodreads : https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/26168576-timeless-honor
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Amazon : http://amzn.to/1NAaIaN
Barnes and Noble : https://bit.ly/2MvVGcY
iTunes : https://apple.co/2Nx9RtL
Kobo : https://bit.ly/2NcB9WZ
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Audio Links
Amazon : https://amzn.to/2C7uZVL
Audible : https://adbl.co/2QEdYWV
iTunes : https://apple.co/2RBeXZg
Mirrors of Time series
Books2Read : https://books2read.com/u/3R11Lx
Official Book Trailer
Link – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjErBgw40M0
About the Author
Amber Daulton is the author of the romantic-suspense series Arresting Onyx and several standalone novellas. Her books are published through The Wild Rose Press and Books to Go Now, and are available in ebook, print on demand, audio, and foreign language formats.
Amber lives in North Carolina with her husband and four demanding cats. Feel free to visit her at http://www.amberdaultonauthor.blogspot.com.
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Thanks so much for posting, Bianca!
Attention to all Readers! — Interested in reading and reviewing Timeless Honor? It’s available for download on BookSprout. Limited time only.
The prequel, Timeless Beginnings, is also available. 🙂