Guest Author: “Wink” by Randie Craft

I am so pleased to feature this excellent novel by Randie Craft. “Wink” is book one in a trilogy and is available on Amazon now!

“Wink” is a romance that mixes thrills and heartbreak when a tough, but vulnerable young woman meets a bad boy biker.


When a chaotic biker collides with a seemingly simple farm girl, a beautiful disaster unfolds. A burning desire rips through them both, promising to leave nothing but ash in its wake.

He is running from his past, so desperate to escape that he may hurt the only person he has ever cared for. She is blinded by love, and when tragedy strikes, it throws her into an emotional hurricane. Sex, fighting, and murder spin a web of passionate drama, and the two must decide if fate is leading them or if it’s something a bit more primal.



When I was a small child I fought my brothers to eat when Mom spent all her money on drugs. I fought kids who made fun of my oversized hand-me-down clothes in school. I even fought the bullies who thought they needed to prey on the weak. Not to save the weak but simply because I wanted to hit someone. I’ve always enjoyed fighting.

“Just get the money and let’s go.”

I have no intention of doing Marty’s bidding any longer than is fucking necessary. Things have been strained between us for a while now, and I’m not about to start kissing his ass to try to make it better. For the time being, I intend to keep my mouth shut and continue with the same redundant bullshit. I’ve taken the time to observe the members within the club, figure out who my allies truly are, but my patience is wearing thin, and I’m constantly on edge waiting for someone to see through my facade. I’ve had to find a balance to avoid losing my shit.

Fighting, sex, and ungodly amounts of Jack Daniels are my coping strategies.

I found that if people stared at me too long it was because they either wanted to fight or fuck. Although, now that I have to keep my record clean, I fight less and fuck more. How I ever made it into my twenties without getting a single charge is beyond me.

Fortunately, booze is constantly available, and there always seems to be enough women—or birds as I like to call them; they’re always eager to peck at any attention handed out, no matter how sparse the offerings are. They hang around the clubhouse in small flocks, it annoys me to no end… at least until I have a few shots in me.

“H-here you go. This is all I have.” George’s eyes seek everything but my own.

As I look inside the small sack it quickly becomes apparent he’s short. I close the bag and hand it to Ty. Realizing my body is already set up for the action, I open my hand a bit wider, not wanting to bust my knuckles, and launch it forward. It slams into George’s temple, and he falls backward.

“You know, I would say I didn’t see that coming, but who the fuck am I joking?”

I shoot a crooked smile at my brother’s words as I turn to leave, stepping over the quaking ball of a coward. “Don’t blame me. I warned him.”

About the Author

Randie Craft was raised solely by her adoptive mother after her adoptive parents divorced, at the age of eight. She was a competitive female amature M.M.A fighter. Now she focuses more on the art of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and her innate desire to become an author and renowned artist. She is a mother of two children and a wife of nine years. Her son and husband both have Autism and sensory disorders. The past few years have been the hardest of her life so far; her mother was taken by cancer. Still she knows there is beauty, hope and love in the world, however, because of the stories she has read and the art that has inspired her throughout life. 

Buy “Wink” now.

For more on “Wink” and the trilogy you can follow on Facebook.

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