My Review: “Legally Ours” by Nicole French

Spitfire Series Book 3

We’re straight into the action after Skylar has been kidnapped by her father’s loan shark. Once Brandon rescues her, they reunite but the bad guy gets away. Can they really overcome everything that was revealed at the end of the last book with a quick hug? Obviously not, so let’s see what unfolds. 

God, I love Jane and her straight-talking. She really lays it out for Skylar, no holds barred, about how she’s made a mess of things:

“Time to stop moping and start plotting. Because, my friend, coming back from this f**kup is going to take something big.” Go Jane!

So the grovelling commences, and it’s nice to see the female MC doing the work for a change. 

There’s a few little niggling issues as with the other books, such as too much detail in some areas and not enough in others. At one point Skylar lists Brandon’s muscles and arteries by their technical/medical names. I’d like to think I have a decent general knowledge, but other than medical professionals or body builders/fitness instructors etc., who uses those terms when eyeing up their man? Not a family lawyer – but that’s just my opinion. 

The stress of running for mayor starts to re-awaken Brandon’s unresolved childhood trauma, but he refuses to acknowledge and deal with it. This drags on for a bit where they repeat the pattern over and over again, and I felt it could have been condensed. There’s plenty of sex scenes, but I started to feel they didn’t really add much to the plot, or say anything about the development their relationship. After a while they felt unnecessary. 

Just as I thought the story was winding up, at 90% we get another twist (I say twist, but it was quite predictable really). Regardless, it’s all sorted out very quickly in a rush to the end and all the loose ends are tied up. Overall, I would say it was enjoyable, but could have been condensed to stop the pace dragging. 

Plot: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Feels: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Heat: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Overall: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

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