October: Now My Least Favourite Month

For the second year running, October has been a washout for me. Last year, I was unwell for most of the month. This year, while it’s not felt as awful, I’ve had so much to do and not enough time to do it. October is now my least favourite month.

I’m struggling with time management. The long journey down to Devon for the day job has not helped. Whoever suggested travelling by train is relaxing and peaceful was wrong. The train was packed both ways, so I couldn’t concentrate on work. Storm Babet hampered the return journey which followed me all the way home. I didn’t do any writing work that week, but I stayed at a lovely hotel called Dartington Hall.

Dartington Hall in Devon

No NaNo This Year

As a result, my to-do list for the month still has lots of un-ticked items on it. I’ve felt like I’m continuously trying to catch up and National Novel Writing Month is almost here! I’ve been arguing with myself about it for the past week, but I’m going to have to admit that I can’t take part in NaNoWriMo this year.

This will be the first year in four years that I haven’t started a new draft of a new work in November. I’ve been trying to plan during October, but I’m nowhere near finished to complete the draft.

To be honest, I need to finish re-writing The Radical Heiress. It’s a mess and I don’t want to leave it in such a state. I need to roll up my sleeves and get it sorted. I am sad not to be joining my fellow nanoers this year (and I wanted to write the last part in my time travel trilogy—but it will have to wait).

So, my next job is to plan my to-do list for November, and hopefully, I can end the year on a better note.

October Moaning

I’m sorry this post has been a bit of a moan-fest. I originally planned to babble about National Cat Day, but again I’ve been let down by the internet which can’t decide which day it is. I’m not keen on cats anyway. I find their disdainful nature too reflective of mine. Don’t hate me. It’s human nature to dislike what we see of ourselves in others.

Let’s end this post with something more interesting, and of course historical.

On This Day…

Henry VII, painted c.1505. Public Domain

Henry Tudor (Henry VII) was crowned monarch on 30th October 1485. As well as defeating Richard III at Bosworth Field and establishing the Tudor dynasty, Henry VII also features in my novels.

In my series, Men of Trade, the first Tudor monarch created the first Earl of Whitney when he awarded his friend and supporter, Thomas Penrose, with the title after their victory at Bosworth Field. Since then, the Earls of Whitney have supported the monarchy and even sheltered Charles II before he fled to France to escape Cromwell’s army.

Of course, all this is fictional, but I enjoyed weaving in a little actual history into my stories. I don’t want to give away any spoilers, but you’ll be able to learn more about the Penroses when my books are published.

If you’re taking part in NaNoWriMo I wish you the best of luck. If not, may your November be productive, whatever you’re doing.

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