The Writing Journey Continues

We’re three-quarters of the way through the year. Autumn has officially started, and my writing journey continues to have highs and lows. The path towards the end of the year will be busy as usual, so I need a plan in place to ensure I stay on track.

What’s Been Happening?

The last three months have been an enormous learning experience for me. Releasing my short story in the Austen Tea Party anthology taught me about launching a book and gave me marketing ideas for my future novels. I’ve really enjoyed sharing snippets and teasers. This marketing thing isn’t too bad, but it takes a lot of work and time.

I’ve got back into the swing of 5 am writers’ club, and have been trying to re-write sections of book four in my Men of Trade series. The Scandalous Heiress, or The Radical Heiress (I still haven’t decided on the title) has been the real problem child of the series, and I’m glad it’s the last one. I’ve struggled at every step with this story and while I’ve made some progress over the last three months, it still doesn’t feel right.

NaNoWriMo is Coming

Since 2018, I’ve written a novel for National Novel Writing Month each November. This year, I planned to write the third book in my time travel trilogy, but I think I may have to change those plans.

Previous years have shown that I’ll write the 50K required for NaNoWriMo, but I take another two months to finish the draft. Taking a break from the WIP might be helpful, but I’m considering rewriting the whole thing. I don’t want to leave The Scandalous Heiress as it is for three months.

Writing Journey Continues

Decisions, Decisions…

So, I face the dilemma every writer must address. Do I see my current WIP through to a satisfactory state, or do I start a new project?

I just don’t know. While I have a publishing contract for my Men of Trade series, which includes The Scandalous Heiress, I haven’t heard a word from my publisher for almost a year. This is both worrying and a relief. At least they’re not breathing down my neck about the state of The Scandalous Heiress, but the journey to publishing my books has stopped dead. I know the traditional publishing route can take years, but part of me doesn’t feel it’s normal not to hear anything for so long. It seems I have many tough decisions to make over the coming months, but I hope you’ll bear with me.

Thank you all for subscribing to this blog. I appreciate your support and hope you will join me as my writing journey continues.

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