Writing Prompt: Sunshine

We Brits are obsessed with sunshine.

Here, in the north of England, sunshine is a precious commodity. We don’t get that much, but when we do, it’s like a fog of gloom is lifted, removing the dreariness caused by persistent clouds and drizzle. People feel uplifted, happier, and are eager to strip off to their beachwear at the first opportunity.

Today is the second day of uninterrupted sunshine and warmth. Those going to work both love and lament the nice weather. Some even call in sick to make the most of it. May does seem to give us better weather than even the summer months. It won’t be long before we’ll be back to good old clouds and rain. Until then, it’s time to bask in the heat of the sun. 

Photo by Brett Sayles from Pexels

The feel of it upon my skin is soothing – as though it burns away my worries as I absorb the vitamin D it offers. The warmth sinks deep, penetrating my skin and easing the the tension within me. 

The bright-blue sky contains only a light haze of clouds today. The trees are green and lush again. The tulips and daffodils of early spring have been replaced by my all time favourite, bluebells; their flowers cover the ground in a purple blanket amongst the shaded woodlands. 

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood from Pexels

This glorious weather was made to be basked in. I want to laze in it with a good book and an ice-cold drink. The thought of a gin and tonic or a Pimms has my mouth watering.

Why do we go crazy for sunshine here?  Well, it’s more than likely that it will be gone tomorrow, so we feel the need to make the most of it. 

If only I didn’t have to go to work. 

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