Farewell Monday Blog Posts

I’m sorry to announce it’s time to say farewell to my Monday blog posts. I’ve been doing a weekly Monday blog post (affectionately referred to as “Bianca Babbles”) for almost two years now, but unfortunately, I’ve had to re-think my work schedule. After taking on some extra paid work, I have even less free-time and something’s got to give before my sanity does.

Thank you for sticking with this blog and supporting me. I’ve adored doing these weekly blog posts, and I hope you’ve enjoyed reading them. Some of my favourite Monday posts over the years have covered the Boston Tea Party, Lady Day, chocolate and the great biscuit debate. Hot cross buns and bully romance are a couple of my Monday blogs that keep re-appearing on my most popular list.

So, What Now?

Don’t worry, I’ll continue to post my history research on the third Tuesday of the month. I love sharing my research with you, and I hope you enjoyed the latest one about the nasty history of syphilis despite the “eww-factor”.

Monday’s weekly blog will be replaced with a monthly newsletter every first Tuesday of the month. It will also be exclusive to my mailing list, and I won’t be promoting it on social media every month. Don’t miss out and sign up now.

Every newsletter, I’ll give you a bit of an update about how my writing’s going, what books I’ve been reading, if I’ve been up to anything interesting (I’ve got a few historical fashion events coming up that I’m really excited about), and I’ll be saving a spot for the new releases of my fellow romance authors. Send me an email if you have a new release coming up. Of course, if I can throw in a historical fact or two, I will.

Farewell Monday Blogs

So, this is my last Monday blog. I hope to dedicate the time I spent on these posts to writing my novels. I’ve neglected that writing time recently and they need to be my focus from this point on.

Do you have a Monday blog post that you particularly enjoyed? Let me know in the comments, and if you’re not reading this via your inbox, don’t forget to sign up to my mailing list to receive my monthly newsletter. Expect the first edition to hit your inbox on 1st October. Don’t forget, mailing list subscribers get exclusive access to my research about a woman’s legal position in Regency England.

Thanks so much for supporting my Monday blogs, but here’s to more (if less frequent) fun history and book content.

One thought on “Farewell Monday Blog Posts

  1. I will miss your Monday blog but will look forward to the monthly newsletter and history Tuesday

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