A Quick Catch-up

While I’m looking for another blog hop to hop onto, I thought I’d try to continue the momentum and provide a quick catch-up about how things have been going with my writing.

It’s been a strange first few months of the year. I started my new job in February, while still working for the library service on the weekend. It’s been exhausting, but I did my final Saturday over the weekend.

Now, I’m working five days a week as a copywriter. The company I work for provides training, support and information for education and care settings regarding what we call safeguarding in the UK, but you may also refer to it as child protection. It’s quite a challenging role and some of the subject matter can be upsetting, but I finally feel like I’ve settled into my new role.

I quite enjoyed having my weekdays to dedicate to my fiction, but that time has been curtailed. While it was nice to spend my days writing, it didn’t bring in the pennies, and the current cost-of-living crisis made it difficult to continue with weekend-only work.

Regarding my books, I’m still no further along. The world of traditional publishing is slow-paced. I must be patient and as soon as I have more information, you’ll be the first to know.

Things are moving along nicely with the Austen Tea Party anthology. It’s been in the hands of a developmental editor, a line editor and a proofreader. Now, it’s just a matter of formatting before it’s sent to the publisher. How exciting!

a quick catch-up

Here’s a small snippet from my short story, Jilted, to whet your appetites:


Asher Mandeville’s heart splintered, unable to bear the agony spearing his chest.

He crumpled the letter within his fist, and the twisted page dug into his palm. With a snarl, he flung the balled paper into a dim corner across the room. The yellow glow from the single candle on his study desk flickered in the disturbed air.

Reaching for the second, smaller packet on the embossed leather tabletop, he ripped open the wax seal. Burnished gold shimmered in the candlelight. The dazzling red ruby, surrounded by delicate seed pearls, twinkled—mocking him with its radiance.

A stabbing pain flared in his heart. His betrothed had returned what was once his mother’s ring.

Why had she rejected him?

His jaw clenched. Miss Tabitha Rowe would not get away with this nonsense.


You can pre-order your copy now!

I’ve also set up my Amazon author page and you can follow me here.

As always, I can’t thank you enough for your continued support, and I look forward to sharing more book news with you soon.

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