My Review: “My Beautiful Disaster” By J D Hughes

Part 2

I absolutely flew through part one and didn’t make any notes so I haven’t reviewed that. I waited a couple of months before reading part 2 and I seem to have forgotten quite a few details, but now I’m back with Daniel Dukes and Sophia Lewis.

I like a heroine who makes the hero grovel to get her back after he messes up, but Sophia takes it to the extreme. So he made a mistake before they even got together, a mistake he regretted and lied about because he wanted to forget it. Unfortunately,  it’s come back to bite him. Even though he explains it, and to be honest when he does it seems pretty forgivable to me,  but Sophia just can seem to let it go. Her friends are quite blunt and tell her how it is, namely she’s jealous and can’t let it go and she doesn’t. I just found her to be overly stubborn. Sophia knows she’s hurting him but refuses to give.

There’s a lot of spelling and grammatical errors which made the flow stutter. I did not remember this being problem with part one, but in part two there’s almost something on every page and it started to detract from the enjoyment of reading by the end.

This is also the second book I’ve read recently that features childhood sexual abuse and seems to brush over it too quickly. We know she’s running from something, it featured at the start of part one, but there’s no details. Now, she blurts it out in one go and everything’s suddenly okay and that’s it, they move on. I feel like it could have been given greater significance in both the character arc and plot. 

There’s also loads of parent related drama that gets dumped on the reader in between the endless arguments between Sophia and Daniel, followed by hot, make-up sex, which is the only thing that brought my overall rating up.

The book was a bit of a disappointing conclusion to what was a very enticing and fast paced beginning. It was a bit of a let down, and I preferred part one.

Plot: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Feels: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Heat: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Overall: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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